Dr. Hadi Amali
Plastic Surgeon in Kuwait
25 Years of Experience
Board Certified Surgeon
Experienced in Simultaneous Surgeries
Surgical Photo Gallery
Here you can find some examples of Dr. Hadi Amali's Surgical Photos.
What surgeries does Dr. Amali do?
What's the average cost of Plastic Surgery?
The cost of each surgery depends on several items such as:
- Experience of the Surgeon
- Duration of Surgery
- Difficulty of the Surgery
- Type of Hospital
The best idea to know the exact cost of a plastic surgery is to consult with your surgeon and ask him to give you the prices based on your face or body photos.
Book Your Online Consultation Now!
Happy Patients
Dr. Hadi Amali has several patients from different countries every year. You can see some of the happy patients in photos below:
Dr. Hadi Amali in Operation Room
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