Reading the below tips and instructions for Facial Fat Injection which are provided by Dr. Hadi Amali, will help you to have a better recovery period after Facial Fat Injection.
1) As most of the injected fat will be absorbed after 2 or 3 months from surgery date, so during the surgery the fat is over-injected to the face so that it could atone the lost fat. As a consequence, the patient’s face will be deformed during the first 10 days after fat injection.
2) The patient’s face can be asymmetrical for the first 2 weeks after facial fat injection which is natural and it’s due to more swelling in one side of the face than the other side.
3) To have less swelling, please use one extra pillow under your head during sleeping time for first 5 nights after facial fat injection.
4) Walking will help the patient to have less swelling but resting in the bed can cause more swelling.
5) Please use less amount of salt in your foods to have less swelling and to help the swelling go away sooner.
6) You can remove the tapes which are used under your eyes and on your cheeks, 3 days after fat injection, while you are taking shower.
7) Using ice on the areas where fat is injected, can help to reduce the swelling for the first 2 days. After 2 days from fat injection, there is no need to put ice.
8) You should stop smoking cigarettes or hookah (shisha) for the first 2 weeks after facial fat injection as they can be very dangerous for fat cells.
9) You should not massage your face for the first 2 weeks after fat injection. After 2 weeks, if one part of your face is more swollen than the other areas, you can massage them if I confirm you.
10) Please don’t sleep on the sides for 5 nights so that the injected fat in the cheeks area doesn’t move.
11) Please don’t go under direct sun light after facial fat injection for 4 weeks after the fat injection, and please use sunscreen cream which SPF is higher than 20.
12) As face movements can cause loss in the injected fat, so please try to talk shorter during first few days after facial fat injection. Please laugh less and smile instead.
13) Don’t eat foods which are hard to chew for the first 3 days after facial fat injection. Instead, please eat soft foods and if your lips are injected as well, don’t drink with straw.
14) If your lips are injected, please lubricate them 6 to 8 times a day using Vitamin A ointment.
15) You don’t need any medicine except antibiotic tablet (Cephalexin). Please use 1 Cephalexin tablet every 6 hours for 5 days.
16) Being hungry is extremely dangerous for fat cells, so please avoid being hungry for first two weeks after facial fat injection. Please eat carbohydrates meals at 11:00 in the morning and 18:00 in the afternoon.
17) Please do not use fat burning or slimming medicines during the first 3 weeks after facial fat injection.
18) For the first month after facial fat injection, please don’t do cardio exercises (treadmill or bicycle). Instead you can have light and slow exercises.
19) For the first 3 weeks after fat injection, please take 2 multi vitamin tablets per daily.
20) The remained fat in your face after 3 months from fat injection date, will be the permanent amount of fat which you will have in your face.